Website Update
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Giving It Back
Why wait for a support group to be created in the Charleston South Carolina area? It’s 2025 and I’m ok with tech. Lets try a virtual support group. Scroll through the Home Page of for the deets!
Big Virtual Hug
Thank you if you found your way here. That means you’ve at least watched a video, either a short reel, or 2 minute format, are a LinkedIn connection, and/or another contact. So much appreciation for all the support!
Let me know what i can do better. Use the contact form on the homepage or email,
No I don’t mean lights, camera, action! No I don’t mean the DC Comic character. I’m talking about the add-in that was used once upon a time to create interactive websites.
I took a beginner Flash course to create a Learning & Development department intranet page. This knowledge helps me create, edit, and manage content.
Today’s tools are way easier and user friendly. What else can I dig up from the past for
They don't Know!
Just schooled a Gen Z'er on Mon8ca’s “Just One of Them Days.” I even had to sing it!
Getting Ready
Today while getting ready for the day I stared at my residual limb and thought “Why me?” Then I remember that God gives me as much as I can handle. I suppose God thinks I can handle a bunch.
Jenny Craig
Part of morning ritual is to get on the scale in the bathroom to check my weight. I do it for a few reasons.
I was once 350 lbs and want to make sure I don’t approach that weight again
To check my liquid weight gain between dialysis treatments
The most impingement one, so i win my Fraternity's (Tau Epsilon Phi) Alumni Club (Phi Chi Chapter) Biggest lover competition.
It’s a yearly semi-friendly competition with money and bragging rights with a weigh-in and out, 2 months later. This year it started 2/2/25 and I think it ends 3/20/25. I'm not doing so well. I need to step it up!
Words of Wisdom
Today, I heard something great from the G.O.A.T Tom Brady. I’m paraphrasing, it isn’t what I do when I won or succeed, it’s what I do when I have an obstacle/fail.
Those words rings true for me. After all these health issues, I could easily regress into my introvert behaviors and not interact with the world. I believe I may get permission, or pity to do that. Instead I make a choice to go out, take chances, and live a life.
It’s a life I didn’t expect, it’s still my life to live!
Let’s start blogging!
An early morning with a urologist appointment then dialysis. The ladies at the clinic make it interesting and fun while I sit in the chair for hours.